Protection of intellectual property, copyright and related rights, trademark rights in the Russian Federation.
At a certain point everyone needs legal services. And we want the lawyers providing these services to be adequate, to know their job, to have the necessary experience and knowledge, to be focused on a customer, and prices should also be reasonable. As a rule, there’s an opinion that cheap services cannot be of high quality, and expensive ones though of first-class are not always needed in every case. That is why every client looks for an acceptable option that is suitable for him. Not very cheap but also not too expensive that a client cannot afford.
The price is often the only criterion we use to choose a lawyer. You can always take the “ask your friends” option (word of mouth, in other words, although we always want confidentiality law firm can ensure us), look who worked with who, who is close by. Then you can look at experience, knowledge, practice (we always want necessary experience as much as possible). Then you can pay attention to other clients’ advice, publications in relevant magazines, speeches at conferences, a team of lawyers being available.
What else? I hope we didn’t forget anything.
If everything listed above or a part of it correlates with your expectations about searching a lawyer and choosing legal services associated with the intellectual property then you should definitely come to us.
The information above describes the work of our Vetrov and Partners Law Firm. Beginning from knowledge, experience, competent specialists and ending with acceptable prices for services, customer focus of every employee.
Vetrov and Partners Law Firm confirms that it is ready to and capable of providing its clients with required legal assistance and that it has specialists having relevant experience and necessary qualifications to provide legal services on intellectual property matters.
Our lawyers handling deals, transactions and disputes relating to intellectual property provide legal services (support) in Novosibirsk and other cities (including Tomsk, Omsk, Barnaul, Krasnoyarsk, Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk, Irkutsk, Chita, Vladivostok, Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Nizhniy Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Chelyabinsk, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Volgograd, Perm, Voronezh, Saratov, Krasnodar, Tolyatti, Sochi).
The list of services we provide in the field of intellectual property and copyright protection:
1. Handling cases in courts (court of general jurisdiction/arbitration court) including disputes on trademarks, mass cases on compensation;
2. Consultation/legal examination of a situation and documents;
3. Registration of a trademark or a service mark (registration in Russia/international registration);
4. Registration of a computer program or a database;
5. Patenting of inventions, useful models, industrial samples;
6. Support of deals and transactions including those with trademarks;
7. Support of notary actions when securing evidence;
8. Registration or deposit of works subject to copyright except for computer programs or databases;
9. Legal translation (English, French, German, Spanish);
10. Support of issues concerning accounting, taxation of intangible assets, record keeping of transactions with intangible assets;
11. Support of cases concerning private entrepreneurs and companies being brought to administrative and criminal liability resulting from the violation of rights for the results of intellectual property.
We provide legal services in one of the following ways:
1. By efforts of the employees of Vetrov and Partners Law Firm: in person at the location of the head office, in person being on business trip at the location of a Client, or remotely (e-mail, telephone, Skype, messengers);
2. By efforts of the partner legal firm that Vetrov and Partners Law Firm cooperates with at the location of a Client;
3. Combination of both ways.
Please find our contact information below:
E-mail:, telephone number: +7 (383) 310-38-76, +7 (983) 510-38-76.
WhatsApp, Telegram +7 (913) 918-25-62.
1. Description
Within this legal service, the Firm undertakes to take all necessary and optimal actions.
The purpose is to protect the Client’s interests to avoid or to reduce negative effects of the legislation of the Russian Federation for the Client as much as possible.
The service usually includes:
1) Consultations;
2) Documents preparation;
3) Evaluation of a situation, expertise of existing evidence in terms of the Client’s task prospects;
4) Development of a strategy and tactics to protect rights;
5) Information and documents analysis;
6) Support for the Client’s task (project).
We provide services in person or remotely.
2. Interaction with Client.
A client should file a request containing a certain task for the Firm in any form he finds the most convenient at the appropriate time – e-mail, telephone, Skype, in person.
The Firm provides the Client with a result of implementing the task within the terms to be agreed in advance.
3. Why you should work with us.
а) each of the 5 employers of our Firm is a specialist having successful legal experience of at least 3 years (Junior lawyer) and at least 8-10 years (Senior lawyer). These are hundreds of legal cases in courts of different regions and level of authorities. These are thousands of hearings and days in court.
b) we have regional representatives in different Siberian cities (Tomsk, Barnaul, Krasnoyarsk, Kemerovo, Irkutsk) and cities with a million population (Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, etc.) having experience of at least 5-8 years.
c) you can ask our Partners and Clients about our Firm and what they think of working with us.
d) different Mass Media, informational resources, specialized legal resources – Vedomosti, The Firm’s Secret, Continent Siberia,,,, Tomsk News, The Club of Commercial Directors and other resources see us as experts.
e) we issue Secrets of Arbitration Practice, a free magazine about arbitration and legal practice. It includes 450 settled legal cases with analysis of judicial acts, positions of the parties, evidence and our recommendations.
f) there are different stories of success confirming the quality and efficiency of our services. For example, this case on collection of lost profit in amount of RUB 6.9 million; case on collection of indebtedness in amount of RUB 2.2 million; case on unlawful actions of local authorities under 159-FZ; case on condensate; case on caulking; case on intellectual property protection; case on challenging of the interested party transaction.
g) you can read reviews and recommendations of our existing clients.

h) Figures matter. Some figures to estimate and acknowledge positive results of our work.
h-1) a case on supply that started with the lawsuit on collection of 200 thousand rubles against our client but ending with the satisfaction of a counterclaim in the amount of RUB 2.2 million;
h-2) a case on lost profit in amount of RUB 6.9 million that a shareholder wanted to collect from his company but he failed because of our Firm’s lawyers protecting the company’s interests;
h -3) a case on RUB 18 million that we managed to collect from an insurance company as a result of its unlawful refusal to pay compensation;
h -4) a case on RUB 18 million that we managed to collect as a debt under construction contract;
h -5) a case on RUB 41 million that we managed tosave for our client in relation to an unjustified claim despite 2 expert opinions not in favor of our client;
h -6) case on bankruptcy where we create conditions so that the creditors could get the assets in the amount of RUB 950 million;
h -7) case on the pharmaceutical company intellectual property protection in court and collection of RUB 1 million from a wrongdoer;
h -8) case on the acknowledgement of our client’s claims in the Department of the Federal Antimonopoly Service about the facts of unfair competition to be justified;
h -9) cancellation of the judicial act of the first instance relating to a bankruptcy case on collection of RUB 23.5 million from aClient;
h -10) extrajudicial work with a debtor within 2 months ending with him giving RUB 1 million back within 4 months.
4. Price
On additional request.
5. Service rendering terms
Under agreement.
We also offer our clients the following legal services:
a) intellectual property protection (from registration of a trademark to disputes on any results of intellectual property including the trademarks and software);
b) corporate issues and disputes (from arrangement and holding of Annual General Meeting of Members, Extraordinary General Meeting of Members to challenging of transactions, recovery of damages from a director, proving of management body’s decisions to be invalid);
c) judicial disputes resolution (disputes in the courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration courts);
d) tax issues (from business processes auditing in relation to tax risks, support in tax inspections to challenging the inspection results, other tax authorities’ acts);
e) commercial practice (legal support of business on different issues);
f) legal assistance in criminal cases (usually connected with entrepreneurship).
Please read our free daily online magazine about judicial (arbitration) practice
Our Law Firm provides different kinds of legal services in many Russian cities (including Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Omsk, Barnaul, Krasnoyarsk, Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk, Irkutsk, Chita, Vladivostok, Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Nizhniy Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Chelyabinsk, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Volgograd, Perm, Voronezh, Saratov, Krasnodar, Tolyatti, Sochi).
We will be happy to have you as our client!
Call us or write to us right now!
Telephone +7 (383) 310-38-76
Vetrov and Partners Law Firm
more than just legal services